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"Have you ever had anything to do with girls, Saunders?" I
asked, thinking it a good opportunity to turn the subject to
my own purposes.
"Oh, yes! Of course, sir! Perhaps you haven't yet? But you
will before you are many years older, I'll warrant."
"Tell me something about what you have done," I
continued, anxious to keep up the conversation. "Tell you
something, sir?" replied he. "I'm not much good at spinning
yarns. What do you want me to tell you about?"
"Oh! anything, Saunders," I answered. "You see, I don't
know much about girls, except from hearsay; and I should
like you to tell me a bit of what you've experienced yourself."
"You're in a lively mood today, sir!" he exclaimed; "I
thought you didn't understand anything about such things
yet. If you want me to oblige you, I will; but I'm sure I don't
know how to begin.
"I was always fond of the girls, from the earliest time I can
remember. When I was a little nipper at school, I used to
keep company with one called Lizzie Johnson. She was a
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
merry little maid and we had some rare games in the woods.
She used to put her hand in my breeches, and I would shove
mine underneath her clothes. Of course, we were too young
to do anything properly, but I would put my thing against her
little crack, and we would rub our bodies together. We never
got any further than that, and I've not been sorry since, as I
shouldn't have liked to have worked her any mischief which I
might easily have done then without knowing it. She left the
village when she was about thirteen, and I've never set eyes
on her since. I've often wondered where she is, and how she
is getting on, for I was rather fond of her."
He stopped, but I urged him to go on. "Tell me of
something that happened after you had grown up, Saunders."
He laughed, saying, "so many things took place that it's a job
to think of any one in particular. When I was about fifteen or
sixteen, I was very mad on finding a girl who would let me do
what I wanted. But it wasn't so easy then as when I was
younger; you see, sir, they were being to be afraid of the
consequences, as I was a big lad, and very forward for my
age, too. There was a Mrs. Best came to live in the village.
She used to do needlework for a living as she was a widow. I
don't suppose she could have earned much at this, but she
always used to dress pretty, well and look smart; so I began
to listen to the rumours that she earned money in other
ways, by receiving visits from men. From what I could see, I
fancied, this must be the case. I determined to make up to
her, and by always speaking a word whenever I met her, and
soon, I struck up an acquaintance. One afternoon, I was
walking along the street, and she stood at the door. I stopped
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
to talk to her, and after a time she invited me in to have a
cup of tea. We got very friendly, and she started chucking me
under the chin and telling me what a decent-looking chap I
was, as women will when they want to get round you. Well,
the end of it was that I clapped my arm round her waist and
gave her a kiss. She never minded at all, so I got bolder, and
put my hand under her petticoats. She was waiting for this,
and when I had gone so far, she made me come into the
bedroom with her, where she flung herself on the bed ready
for me. I never saw, before or since, such a crack as she had,
and I've seen a good many, sir, I can tell you! It was that big
I could have got my fist in, and although I was fairly large-
made, youngster as I was, I could hardly feel the great thick
lips as I slipped in. She enjoyed it all right, but there wasn't
so much fun for me, and I made up my mind that I would
look round for someone younger after this. She had taken
such a fancy to me that several times afterwards she tried to
get me to come and see her again, but I never did as she
wasn't quite my stamp having had too much use for me. I
don't much care about a woman who is always ready to lay
herself down to the first man she comes across.
A few afternoons from the date of the foregoing
conversation I was walking by the lake in the park when I
saw Joe coming towards me. I stopped to wait for him, and as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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