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punk who wanted to fight, but surprisingly he was looking
into the same bloodshot eyes. Before he could respond, his
head flung back as pain shot through the right side of his
face and the crowd turned into a slow moving blur. His
whole world began to spin.
His hand went to his face.  Son of a bitch. Squinting his
eyes and gritting his teeth against the pain, he forced himself
to gain control. He tasted blood from where the inside of his
cheek ground against his teeth. Cocking his fist back, he
threw his entire body weight into the hit. His fist smashed
into the man s jaw. The stranger stumbled back but didn t
fall. He came back charging into Michael s stomach with
both fists. A gush of air flew from Michael s mouth. He
gasped for air, fighting the nausea that rapidly engulfed him.
His anger built and spread through him like a wildfire. He
took a deep breath and pounced, hitting the stranger with a
right hook and an upper cut. The man fell to the ground.
 You ever treat a woman like that again  Michael let
his foot finish the sentence as he kicked him in the ribs for
good measure. He then placed his boot in the middle of the
man s back and gave a shove. The stranger sprawled on the
concrete, motionless.
Michael picked up his hat, dusted it off, and adjusted it
on his head. He straightened his shirt and moved to the door.
The crowd gathered around the groaning man on the ground.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Michael squinted at the sunlight when he stepped into the
parking lot. Both trucks were idling and loaded. Jessica sat in
one while John, Tom, and Richard sat in the other. Jake was
leaning against the hood of the truck.
He started walking toward Michael.  You okay?
Michael walked past him.  Ride in the other truck.
Before Jessica knew it, Michael was sitting in the driver s
seat. She watched him fasten his seat belt before he put the
truck in gear and spun out of the parking lot. She threw her
seat belt on, but didn t dare look his way.
They drove in awkward silence for several miles. Jessica
couldn t look at Michael because the guilt that filled her was
too overwhelming. How could she have been so stupid? She
should have stayed by Michael like he had suggested earlier.
 Michael. She turned to look at him.  I m sorry, she
 Why didn t you listen to me? Michael s voice was
sharp with anger.  Damn it, I told you to stay by me.
 I tapped the man on the shoulder, thinking he was you.
How was I to know he would go crazy?
Michael took a deep breath.  Let s just forget about it.
 I don t want to forget about it. Why are you so angry
with me?
He looked out his window, hoping to ignore her.
Unfortunately, they were driving down a deserted highway,
in a truck that was no larger than a coffin. He should tell her.
He should let her know the danger she put herself in. He
didn t want to scare her, but maybe that was what she
needed. It might be the only way he could make her listen to
him.  What if that man back there was the killer? The
statement was cruel but effective.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Jessica moistened her lips and then swallowed the lump
that formed instantly in her throat.  Do you think that could
have been the killer?
 No. I think he was just a drunk, horny bastard. He
looked at her.  But it could have been. We don t know who
he is, what he looks like, or where he ll show up. No one can
be trusted.
Jessica had never even considered that the stranger at the
auction could have been the killer. Panic washed over her in
an overwhelming intensity.  Does he know who I am?
Michael shook his head. Sensing her fear, he almost
regretted mentioning the possibility at all. But he had to.
What other options was she giving him? She needed to know
the danger that was out there.
 Then why do you think that might have been the
killer? She took a deep breath and said,  Don t lie to me,
 I m not lying to you, Stanson. I just want you to be
careful. I can t stress that enough. He eased into a restaurant
parking lot, glancing in the rear view mirror to make sure the
crew followed him.  I think we could use some dinner.
Michael removed the keys from the ignition and opened
his door. When he noticed no movement coming from the
other side of the truck, he looked toward Jessica.  What?
 Thank you for what you did back at the auction house.
She turned to him.  Thank you for caring too. I promise I
won t be so careless next time.
 I didn t want to scare you, Stanson, but I think you
should know what we are dealing with.
 Now I do.
* * * * *
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
A heavy-set blond, who looked like she applied her
make-up with a roller, took their orders. After she left, Jessica
excused herself.  I m going to wash my hands.
Michael winced at the pain as he rubbed his hand lightly
across his jaw. He had taken a few good hits.
Jake removed his tattered green hat, placed it on his
knee, and then fiddled with the Tabasco sauce.  Where did
he hit you?
 Square in the jaw. He lightly touched the soft spot
again in disbelief. He hadn t been in a fight in years.
Jake tried to hold back his laugh but couldn t resist. He
smacked his hand on the table.  I would have given anything
to see that fight. He started humming the theme song to
Rocky. Soon the rest of the guys joined in.
Michael had to smile.  That was one tough bastard. I
couldn t get him to go down.
Plucking the toothpick from his mouth, Richard said,
 From all the yelling going on, it sounded like one hell of a
fight. I heard it all the way outside.
Michael looked up and saw Jessica standing at the edge
of the table. He could feel her distress as she approached.
She looked faint as her eyes darted to his.  Are you all
right? He stood up.  Stanson?
She tried to put on her best  I m okay smile for
everyone. She had them all fooled but Michael. Willing her
hands not to tremble, she spoke.  I m fine. Michael, I need to
talk to you.
Michael forgot all about the men. Reaching for her hand,
he ushered her across the room to the counter, out of hearing
distance.  What s the matter?
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Jessica looked around the room for the stranger with lost
hope. He was just there. Her eyes darted around the room.
Where was he?
 Stanson, answer me. Michael s wide eyes revealed the
tension he felt throughout.  Stanson?
 A man was following me.
He looked over his shoulder and didn t see anyone. They
were the only people in the small diner.  Who was following
 I don t see him, she said.  He s gone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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