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Cirocco's newly tuned car strained at the last word, wondering if it should be
translated as people. As in "we people, you barbarians." But the chauvi nistic
overtones were not there. She spoke of her species as one among many in Gaea.
"We are the first to come," Cirocco sang. "I'm surprised you know of us, as we
knew nothing of you until this moment."
"You don't sing of our great deeds, as we sing of yourself "I'm afraid not."
C Sharp glanced over her shoulder. Another Titanide stood atop the bluff no w.
She looked much like C Sharp, but with a disturbing difference.
"That's B Flat . . ." she sang, then, looking guilty, shifted back to formal
mod e.
"Before his arrival, there is a question I would ask that has been burning my
soul since first I saw you."
"You don't have to treat me as an elder," Cirocco sang. "You might be older
than I am."
"Oh, no. I am three by the reckoning of Earth. What I wish to know, hoping the
inquiry is not an impudent one, is how you stand for so very long witho ut
toppling over?"
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When the other Titanide joined them, the disturbing difference Cirocco note d
earlier was abundantly clear, and even more disturbing. Between the front
legs, where C Sharp had a patch of hair, B Flat had a completely human pen is.
"Holy God," Gaby whispered, nudging Cirocco's elbow. "Will you be quiet?
" Cirocco said. "This makes me very nervous. "
"You, nervous? What about me? I can't understand a note you're singing. But
it's pretty, Rocky. You sing real nice."
Other than the male genitals in front, B Flat was almost identical to C Shar
p. Both had high, conical breasts and hairless, pale skin. Their faces were
both vaguely feminine, wide-mouthed and beardless. B Flat had more paint on
his body, more flowers in his hair. Aside from that and the penis the two wo
uld have been hard to tell apart.
One end of a wooden flute protruded from a fold of skin at the level of his
missing navel. Apparently it was a pouch.
B Flat stepped forward and extended his hand. Cirocco stepped back and B F
lat moved swiftly, putting a hand on each of her shoulders. She was fright
ened for only a moment, then realized he shared C Sharp's apprehension. He had
thought she was falling backwards, and meant only to steady her.
"I'm fine," she sang, nervously. "I can stand on my own." His bands were lar
ge, but perfectly human. It felt very strange to be touching him. Seeing an
impossible creature was quite different from feeling its body heat. it broug
ht home forcefully the fact that she was making humanity's first contact wit h
an intelligent alien. He smelled of cinnamon and apples.
"The healer will arrive soon." He sang the song of equals with her, though s
cored in a formal mode. "In the meantime, have you caters''
"We would offer you food ourselves," Cirocco sang, "but in truth, we have ru n
out of provisions."
"And my fore-sister offered you none? " B Flat gave C Sharp a reproving loo k,
and she hung her head. "She is curious and impulsive, but not thoughtful
. Please forgive her." The words he used to describe his relationship to C
Sharp were complex. Cirocco had the vocabulary, but not all the referrents.
"She has been most kind."
"Her hindmother will be pleased to hear it. Will you join us? I do not know w
hat manner of food you prefer, but if we have any- thing to your liking, it i
s yours."
He reached into his pouch-a leather one strapped around his waist, not the one
that was part of his body-and came up with something large and reddish-
brown, like a smoked ham. He handled it like a turkey drumstick. The Titani
des sat, folding their legs neatly and easily, so Cirocco and Gaby sat, too
, an operation the Titanides watched with frank interest.
The joint of meat was passed around. C Sharp brought out several dozen gre en
apples. The Titanides simply put them into their mouths whole. There wa s a
crunch, and they were gone.
Gaby was frowning at the fruit. She raised an eyebrow as Cirocco took a bite
of one. It tasted like a green apple. It was white and juicy inside, and had
small brown seeds.
"Maybe we'll figure all this out later," Cirocco said. "I wouldn't mind a f ew
answers right now," Gaby retorted. "Nobody's going to believe we sat aro und
eating goddam green pippin apples with flesh-colored centaurs."
C Sharp laughed. "The one named Ga-bee sings a rousing song. "
"Is she talking to me?" "She likes your song."
Gaby smiled sheepishly. "It was nothing like the Wagner that's been coming
from your direction. How do you understand them? What about the way they look?
I've heard of parallel evolution, but from the waist up? Humanoids I
could believe. I was ready for anything from big blobs of jello to giant
spiders. But they look too much like us."
"Yet most of them look nothing like us."
"Right! " Gaby said, shouting again. "But look at that face. Take away the do
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nkey cars. The mouth is wide and the eyes are big and the nose looks like he
got hit in the face with a shovel, but it's in the range of what you can find
on Earth. Look lower, if you dare." She shuddered. "Look only at that, and I
defy you to tell me it's not a human penis."
"Ask her if we can join in," B Flat sang, heartily. "We don't know the word s,
but can improvise an accompaniment."
Cirocco sang that she had to speak to her friend a little longer, and would tr
anslate later. He nodded, but followed the conversation attentively.
"Gaby, please don't shout at me."
"I'm sorry." She looked at her lap and made an effort to calm down. "I like
things to make sense. A human penis on an alien creature doesn't. Did you see
their hands? They have finger- prints, I saw them. The FBI would file t hem
with no questions asked."
"I saw that."
"If you could tell me how you talk to them ...
Cirocco spread her hands. "I don't know. It's as if the language was always in
my mind. Singing is harder than listening, but only because my throat's not u
p to it. It scared me at fist, but now it doesn't. I trust them."
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