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And her belly had slithered down to her ankles and wrapped itself around them, while her
next heartbeat played hide and seek.
He was the candy in the jar that had been moved down to eye-level and he was
telling her to reach right in and grab a handful& of his licorice.
Felicity had never grabbed for anything in her life. It had always been a struggle just
to keep up. Yet things had changed in the last year she d finally found the strength to
leave Stuart and then the tutoring had come through. So&
She glanced sideways at Daniel s profile, softened by the sensuality of his mouth and
thick sweep of lashes and thought, why not, indeed?
Then she started thinking about his gumballs.
When they arrived at Home Depot, Daniel parked the truck before hopping out and
quickly making his way to her side of the cab to see her out. Felicity took his hand and
was rewarded with a current of awareness that shot up her spine and smacked her in the
back of her head.
After that, she kept some distance between them as they walked towards the store.
So much for gumballs. Jawbreakers was more like it.
Once inside the store, she looked around the cavernous warehouse with avid
curiosity. She was probably the only person on the face of the planet who hadn t set foot
in a Home Depot, but there was never any need to before.
She followed Daniel down the aisle, past displays of every gadget, tool and material
needed to build, fix, decorate or destroy, and a jumble of ideas raced through her mind.
Excitement slowed her step as she took it all in, then she took a deep breath of the
lumber-scented air& and fell in love. Now this, this was a candy store.
Felicity hurried to catch up as Daniel disappeared around a corner. Luckily his tall,
broad-shouldered physique made him stand out amongst the Saturday-morning crowd
milling around.
As she came up beside him, she tugged on his sleeve.  Can we see what they re
doing over there?
Daniel glanced over at the demonstration taking place.  Sure. Indulgence curved his
mouth and she felt an answering warmth flutter in her stomach.
Felicity turned away from that look, that smile, but she couldn t get away from his
hand that landed lightly on her back, guiding her forward. Heat radiated from his touch,
spreading outward along her limbs.
It was almost impossible to concentrate on the expert s instructions with Daniel
standing behind her. She moved slightly to the right, his hand moved to her hip. She
stepped forward, his hand came to rest on her shoulder.
She kept fidgeting until Daniel leaned forward and spoke low in her ear,  If you re
really interested in this, we re doing some tile work at one of the job sites. I could pick
you up one day and bring you by.
Felicity swung her head around. This close to him, she noticed the gold-dusted tips
of his darker lashes.  Really?
She watched his lips, inches from her own, shape the word and felt his breath like a
Abruptly, Felicity faced front again and took a deep calming breath. But images of a
bare-chested, tool-belted Daniel kept dancing through her head.
Will you get real! Felicity could almost hear Cheryl s no-nonsense voice. She
blinked, and the vision of some fat guy with plumber s bum oily pimples, hairs and
all lumbered into her imagination. Her pulse slowed some.
 That would be great, if it s not too much trouble.
 Do I look like a guy who s looking for trouble? he asked dryly. To her relief he
straightened and moved back to guide her through the crush of bodies.  Let s go find that
They came to the selection of bathroom accessories and Daniel picked a box from
the shelf.
 Master Stroke 2000, flexible spray nozzle, three-way adjustable head. He paused,
looking up with a decidedly wicked glint in his eyes.  How about it, you interested in a
three way?
 No thank you. Blushing, she pointed to another model.  This one looks fine.
He moved closer and the faint scent of citrus that emanated from him became
stronger.  Hmmm& adjustable spray prohibits calcium buildup. He shook his head.
 Naw , then his interest shifted to a different package.  Maybe& The Invigorator?
Bending forward he noted the various features.   You never dreamed water could do
this before. Enjoy the total satisfaction of phenomenal power at work.  He glanced at
her and her nipples power-constricted into two tingling vortexes of phenomenal pleasure.
Felicity mouth-breathed as Daniel continued.
  Your body will be revitalized by the warm, sensual, pulsating spray  
 I don t need my body revitalized, thank you. Just clean. Here, I ll take this one.
She grabbed another model. It didn t matter which one. Daniel didn t even touch the box.
  Eco-friendly, low-flow ceramic valving , he read the specs off in a monotone.
 Look, I like boring, and energy efficient and-and& 
 Liar. His voice dipped.  You don t like boring. Not with that mouth, he said
baldly, barbecuing her on the spot with the heat in his gaze.
Before she could catch her breath he switched gears on her again, his mouth curling
in mischief.  So you wouldn t  he looked down at the package he held,    enjoy a
deep, throbbing, fully satisfying massage to all the key areas of your body ?
 Throbbing? she sputtered, very aware of the parts of her that fit that description
right now.
He raised his eyebrows innocently.
 The head is extra large.
 Okay, fine! I ll take it! Felicity shoved the package into his arms. He was
obviously determined to continue along this vein.
As they went around to pick up a few other items, she found herself smiling. She
liked his teasing, almost as much as she liked him intense and bent on seduction.
Although  like seemed a wishy-washy way to describe what she felt when he
focused his molten green gaze on her. Her smile disappeared. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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