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Finally, oh God, finally, he filled her completely.
 Ah, Pen, you don t know how long I ve wanted this. You. Seated fully, he ran his fingers over her
clitoris reverently, rumbling when her walls clamped down on him in response. His eyes opened, little more
than dark slits, filled with passion and command.  I want you to remember this.
He withdrew at the same slow speed he d pressed in, stopping just before he would have slipped out,
then pressing back down.  This is our real first time, Penelope.
His hips ground into hers, his words and his meaning feeling like a brand on her soul. A deeper brand
than any he d made before. She fought it, pushing back against him, reminding herself that this was just
sex, but he leaned forward and took her hands in his, the shift making her feel as if he d filled her all the
way to the throat.
He ground against her again, making her gasp, a sound he swallowed with a wet, claiming kiss. He
moved within her. Faster, harder. All by themselves, her legs wrapped around him, her ankles clamped
together at the small of his back. Ruthlessly, he pistoned in and out. She sobbed, the tension growing within
her. If she could just have a second to steel herself, just one, she d be all right. But he was relentless,
demanding everything, giving everything, until she shattered around him, crying out, feeling him fall over
the edge with her.
Breath coming in gasping waves, her body completely spent and still deliciously full of him, she
stared up at the ceiling trying to figure out what had just happened. Because something definitely had.
Something terrifying.
She d gotten what she d wanted.
But what the hell was she supposed to do now?
Raul glared at the phone on his desk, willing it to ring.
As it had for the last three days, it defied him without compunction.
A guy could easily learn to hate the modern age. In the old days he d have simply grabbed Penelope
and taken her home with him, and that would have been that. Nice. Simple. But no. In today s era, he d had
to gather his clothes after the most cataclysmic sex of his life and leave her house, exactly as promised.
Then he d had to come on duty for the last three days because he was the captain and he had his duty just
like everyone else. One more day on, and then he d be able to stop waiting for Penelope to snap out of the
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Dee Tenorio
stunned state she d been in when he left. So stunned, she d almost stopped him from kissing her goodbye,
pulling back with barely concealed embarrassment. He could go to her office and& and&
That s where he always got fuzzy.
On the one hand, he was so damn sure what he wanted from her everything. He wanted her to want
him. To need him. To demand from him. He wanted to look at her and not see the wariness that had been in
her eyes from the time he d come back home. He wanted her approval. Her pleasure. Her love.
That was it. He wanted her to love him again. No, love him, not the person she d put on a pedestal,
but the man with flaws and a temper and all kinds of stupid fuckin mistakes under his belt.
On the other hand& what the hell was he supposed to offer in return?
All he knew was what he wanted. What something primal inside him kept demanding was his by
right. He had no idea what Penelope might want. No idea if he could give it to her if she ever asked.
The pencil in his hand snapped with a crack just as the door to his office opened, revealing another
pain in his ass he didn t want to deal with.
 Still screwing up next month s schedule, I see.
 Go away, Josh.
The bastard walked into the room, closing the door carefully before dropping into the chair across
from the desk and putting his feet up on the edge.
Raul glared at the friend he d had for so long he d forgotten why they started hanging out together.
Josh looked precise as usual, black hair trimmed neatly, white shirt and dark blue uniform pants pressed
into hard regulation creases. His blue eyes were all kinds of amused, as if he waited for something magical
to happen, looking for all the world like he expected Raul to spout something out of his ass.
 I m just waiting for you to tell me what the hell is wrong with you lately. And don t even try to tell
me it doesn t have something to do with Penelope Gibson. Just because I m your friend doesn t make me
Not that he had any intention of lying, but curiosity made him ask.  What makes you think it s about
 Well, let s see. First, she s ducking Randa and Trisha both which has them seeing red, so I d hide
under a table around them if I were you. Then, everyone at Shaky Jake s is talking about how you ve been
at her house more than a few times the last few weeks.
 That s it?
 There s also the small fact that her daughter is telling anyone who ll listen that you re her father.
Raul s eyes widened at that.  She s what?
 Practically took out an ad in the paper. And all her little cousins are agreeing with her. Kids told their
friends, who told their parents, parents started talking and next thing you know, there s a bonfire of gossip
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Burn for Me
at Shaky Jake s over how long you and Penelope have been sneaking around. Word is you ve been
sneaking into town for some wham-bam action since you left.
Shit. Shit, fuck, and goddamn. No wonder Penelope hadn t called. And she probably thought he was
an ass for not calling her while the whole town exploded with innuendo.  I ve got to go talk to her.
 I wouldn t, Josh interrupted as Raul made to get up out of his chair.  Rand and Trisha are already
camped out on her front porch. You go tearing over there without knowing the right thing to say and it ll
just get ugly.
Raul sank back into the chair.
 Figured what? Raul dragged his hand down his face wearily. This was not quite how he d planned
for Chloe s revelation to go. But he and Penelope had both known from the beginning it could blow up into
a giant, embarrassing scene. Damn it, how was Chloe handling it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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