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Saleeya cheerfully answered.
 Well, can we start our day having sex? I m aching for you. I ll
delay my morning meetings. Kael s eyes gleamed, and he rolled
closer to her.  I need release. I don t want to wait for later tonight. I
want to make love now. My officers will appreciate my delay if it
improves my otherwise difficult mood. I promise I ll be gentle with
you. Kael reinforced his promise with a sweet kiss. He sat up and
moved to the edge of their bed.  Come here, my mate, get out of bed
and sit back on me. I won t put any weight on you this way. You can
have complete control over the pace. Kael s thick cock jutted up and
out from his body in bold invitation.
Saleeya carefully moved out of the bed. She confidently
approached Kael. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down to
his abdomen. She hugged him to her breasts. His skin was hot. He
looked flushed with desire. Kael kissed her breasts, which were
covered by a silky nightgown. Her hands caressed his body while she
gently lowered to her knees and in between his strong thighs. He was
so powerful. She kissed the side of his muscular thighs and stroked
him. Feeling powerful herself in her seduction, Saleeya ran her
delicate tongue over his enlarged cock, laved his scrotum, sucked, and
nipped her way to the tip of his bulging cock s head. The taste of his
essence leaking from him motivated her to take him more fully into
her hot mouth. Kael groaned in approval and gently moved his hips to
greet her mouth.  Saleeya, I need for you to come here. Kael helped
Xihirah 201
Saleeya up.  Take off your nightgown. I want you naked and on my
lap. Kael carefully helped remove Saleeya s nightgown over her
head, cupped, and kissed each of her breasts.  I love it when you take
me in your mouth. But I m anxious to come inside of your warm,
tight pussy. It s been too long. With her back to him, he maneuvered
her onto his stiff cock. Saleeya sank slowly down onto him. Her body
eagerly opened to his sweet invasion. Saleeya moaned in pleasure
with the familiar intimacy.  Saleeya, don t let me hurt you. Kael
took a hold of her waist to help glide her up and down at his preferred
pace.  I m so close to losing control, Kael whispered tightly and then
leaned his head back in bliss and growled loudly. Kael s large, tanned
hands nearly encompassed her middle as he took control of her pace
and encouraged her movements. Kael was unable to allow Saleeya the
control he had promised. She wished she could see his eyes while he
took her, but it hurt too much for her twist around. She loved to see
the pleasure reflected in his expressive eyes. The wildness of his eyes
fired her desire. She rode his huge body and the enjoyment took hold
of her so completely the minor pains of discomfort she felt
disappeared. Moisture gushed from Saleeya s pussy and coated their
thighs as she reached her climax. Hot seed poured into her as Kael
loudly growled into her ear. He held her tightly and ran his hands over
her lush, tender breasts. Warm kisses caressed her back, shoulders
while he more slowly moved his still-swollen cock deep inside of her
pussy. Saleeya rotated her hips and clenched his penis with her
vaginal walls, causing more hot semen to pour into her. His muscular
body vibrated with his response to their sexual ecstasy.
 Kael, you re turning me into a very bad girl, Saleeya said in a
sultry whisper as she rotated her hips, stimulating both of them. She
leaned back into him to look up into his eyes.
 No, Saleeya, you re not a bad girl, you re my mate. You make
me feel so good. I love you. Kael trailed kisses over her shoulder and
down her spine. Saleeya s entire body shivered in response.  Nothing
we do is bad. I ve missed this closeness. I hope I ve not hurt you with
202 Ciara Lake
my passion. I don t ever want to hurt you in any way. Kael s voice
was raspy.  Tell me you love me. He nipped her ear between his
teeth.  Do you forgive me for what happened to you here on
Xihirah? Kael asked with a roughened, worried voice.
 Kael, none of what has happened is your fault. You ve saved and
protected me each time from those demented terrorists. I know you ll
stop them. I trust you. Saleeya turned to sit sideways on his lap and
embrace him.
 I only have saved you because of your strength and bravery. I
feel as though I ve failed you. It s very difficult for me to deal with
this kind of failure. To fail my mate and my family is unforgivable.
Kael his head lowered.
 Kael, this is what terrorists do. They make people doubt
themselves and their security. They put terror into our hearts. They
hurt others when it s least expected. That s what terror is. Saleeya
kissed the side of his head to comfort him. His soft black hair felt like
cool silk to her warm lips.
 You and the people of Xihirah have never experienced this form
of dishonest warfare. You re direct people. Your enemies know when [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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