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favorite. Kynyr had bedded her several times back when he still came regularly
to the Crimson Lady.
Her hair, as pale as fresh cream, hung loose to her waist.
Kynyr stood five foot eleven, and Ellie's head came to the tip of his nose.
He stiffened as she brushed against him. "Cullen wanted to marry you."
The lycan whore flinched away from him. "Cullen? I
haven't seen him in months."
"He's dead."
All the color fled from Ellie's face and she seemed to fold in on herself as
she withdrew toward the hallway leading to the
Main Hall, then broke, and ran. Kynyr watched her go, seeing signs of guilt in
her excessive reaction. He wondered if
Eideard's guess concerning Ellie's involvement could be right.
There was no way that she could not have known that Cullen was dead. According
to Amos, the entire lycan community of
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Hell's Widow had been talking of little else for over a month.
Erotic tapestries and paintings dominated the walls of the foyer to the
Crimson Lady. A huge desk of polished dark wood stood guard at the far end
with a matchstick of a clerk sitting there with an appointment book open in
front of him. A stack
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
of other books rose like multicolored soldiers in a long, low wooden box to
his left hand.
A long padded bench lay to the left hand of the desk with two young boys who
worked as runners sitting there. Kynyr glanced at them as he strode up to the
"I want to talk to Silkie."
"She's not taking customers." The clerk, who called himself
Flavio Ricci, frowned at Kynyr.
"I'm not a customer. You go tell her Kynyr Maguire is here."
"I'm not supposed to..."
"Either you tell her, or my friends and I go looking for her."
"Guardsmon?" Flavio's eyes went to the sword riding at
Kynyr's shoulder.
Kynyr could see where matters were headed. He decided to keep things as open
and above board as seemed safe, so as not to be misunderstood. If the clerk
wished to play push and shove games, then it seemed best to bring Claw's
influence into play. "We're on a clan matter."
"Something important?"
A shrewd look entered Flavio's eyes. "Wouldn't have to do with the murder
everyone has been talking about for months?
Ever since that visiting priest found the body."
Flavio gestured at one of the boys, who sprang from his seat in answer. The
clerk whispered in his ear, and sent him
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
running. "Have a seat in the Main Hall. I'll have Silkie's answer in a
Kynyr and his companions headed through the doorway to their right.
Flavio took a sheet of paper from the drawer, dipped his pen in the ink well,
and scribbled a quick note. He blew on it to dry the ink, folded it three
times, and waved it at the remaining boy. "Take this to Master Traxton at the
The boy put the note in his pouch and ran out.
* * * *
The office that the boy showed Kynyr to had a heavy door designed as much for
defense as style, and Kynyr guessed it would take a lycan in hybrid form
several whacks with a great axe to even begin to break it down. The boy opened
the door, gestured for Kynyr to enter, and then closed it again when
Kynyr passed.
The mon behind the desk looked to be in her early forties, Kynyr decided,
although he sometimes found it difficult to judge the age of humans whose
lifespans were so much shorter than lycans. Her coppery skin and black hair
marked her as Waejontori and the aristocratic angles of her face retained the
traces of a fading beauty. She wore her make-up tastefully done, rather than
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blatant like the other prostitutes;
and the tight bodice of her dress thrust her ample breasts into a youthful
illusion with the edge of the upper curve showing at the neck.
Silkie rose to greet Kynyr, extending her hand.
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
The folds of her skirt fell askew across the slight puffiness of her belly
that seemed contradictory on her slender frame.
Something about it niggled at Kynyr as he lifted Silkie's hand to his lips,
and kissed it.
"I've never seen such manners from a lycan." Silkie gestured at a chair. "Did
you come here about Cullen or
Kynyr settled into a chair. "Both."
"How is my son?" She flicked back a loose strand of hair.
"I hated giving him up ... but if he'd remained with me..."
Silkie heaved a sigh. "They would've killed him."
"I told him that. He was feeling abandoned."
Kynyr assessed Silkie for a moment. She could not have been young when she had
Cooley. Her looks had held up well.
Her puffy stomach drew his gaze again and, having grown up in a female
dominated household, Kynyr realized what he was seeing: Silkie was
pregnant and early enough along that most would have failed to notice it.
"Tell him I love him. That I did it because I love him."
"I have. He's got Cullen written all over him."
"I know. Has anyone noticed?"
Kynyr shook his head, his eyes narrowing as a guarded edge entered his voice.
"Not yet. So you're a Waejonan."
Silkie closed her eyes and ran a hand over her face. Her shoulders drooped.
"I'm human. Do you know what the sa'necari-born do when they produce a freak
like me?"
"I know very little about your people, beyond what they do to mine."
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
"My people? They're not my people. I ran away. I whored for my bread from the
time I was twelve. I tell people I was fourteen, but that's a lie. To save
face. Since you don't know, I'll tell you what they do with the human children
that are born to them. They sacrifice them."
Kynyr's insides tightened. "Mortgiefan?"
"No. For the girl children it is called 'marrying Bellocar.' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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