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Adita after the Revel. If an equerry had such
disdain for the traditions of Zenthe, it made sense
that his lord would also show little regard for
Woman of the Mountain
As Rivah approached the beautiful carved, dark
wood screen that separated the main chamber
from the antechamber, the delicious sound of
men s laughter reached her ears. The equerry
veered to the right around the thick screen. Rivah
followed, gazing through the intricate, geometric
designs of the screen, eager to see what awaited
her on the other side.
As she emerged, Rivah paused beside the
equerry. She would not give the arrogant bastard
the satisfaction of waiting behind him. Seated on a
sea of pillows, several men surrounded a low
octagonal hardwood table. Jewels, golden coins,
pouches of silk and leather, and baubles of ivory
littered the center of the table while sets of various
multisided dice lay haphazardly in a velvet-lined
Rivah did not hesitate, locking her heated,
inviting gaze on the man she knew to be the
Hawk. She stepped forward boldly; three of the
men, one being the Captain she had slept with
only the night before, quickly gained their feet,
their hands reaching for the weapons at their
She dipped a respectful bow, her arms
extended, the shining silk suspended between her
fingers, then rose, lifting her gaze back to the
Hawk, boldly staring into his warm brown eyes.  I
bring to you, Courtier, a gift from the High
Angela Caperton
 She practically throws me from her chambers,
but she sends a gift? His deep voice rode along
Rivah s spine deliciously. She imagined the
sounds he made in passion and imagined his body
on hers, his lips hot against her breasts. On cue,
her nipples stiffened, pressing through the sheer
material of her robe. She sensed the sudden
change in the room as all the men raked her with
their gazes, and, much to Rivah s joy, the Hawk s
was the hottest of all.
 It is Adita s desire that you wear this tunic, a
tunic worked by her own hand, when you shall
meet her tomorrow night, my lord. Rivah started
to speak, but purposefully hesitated, closing her
mouth, turning her lips into a demure smile. She
cast a coy glance at a few of the men, and then
looked back at the Hawk.
Silence filled the chamber for several moments
before the Hawk rose to his feet. With a wave of
his arm, he ordered his men,  Leave us.
The booty of the gaming table never received a
second glance as the men filed out, the captain
waiting at the edge of the screen until the Hawk
gave a curt nod, sending him away.
Still as stone, the equerry held his place beside
Rivah. Eyes downcast, she turned to him with
suspicion. The equerry returned her gaze, smug
and condescending.
Woman of the Mountain
 My lord, the deep well of Lorentz s voice
managed an unflattering whine.  I did not want to
disturb you, but she insisted. Rivah s gaze bored
icy holes into the thin man, but with a blink and a
turn of her head, she turned to meet the lustful
gaze of the Hawk with half-lidded eyes, burning
with all the lust in her soul. Tilting her head
toward the door, Rivah made her silent plea and
 Thank you, Lorentz. Leave us now.
 But, my lord  
 That will be all. You may seek your quarters.
The Hawk s gaze never stopped roaming over
Rivah s body.
With the slightest huff, the equerry bowed
respectfully to the Hawk,  As you wish, my lord.
He backed to the screen, then turned and stalked
away. She waited until she heard the quiet echo of
the door shutting before a smile graced her face.
 Thank you, my lord. This is an intimate
tradition, best suited for two.
The Hawk s grin, accented by the trim beard
and mustache, somehow managed to make him
even more handsome.  Two, is it? Then maybe the
High Priestess should have brought the tunic
Rivah approached, her hips swinging invitingly
from side to side, her arms still held perfectly
perpendicular to her body, the tunic between
Angela Caperton
them.  My lord, I asked for this honor because I
have hopes of helping& bridge the distance
between you and my lady Adita.
The Hawk watched her, his arms crossed
casually across his wide chest.  Bridge?
 Aye, my lord. I think I understand you and
your kin. You are from the desert s edge, where
life can be difficult, where strength is the only way
to survive. There is little that celebrates such
softness as is found within the walls of this
The Hawk settled on the pillows, leaning back,
his thick thighs accented by the tailored cut of his
trousers, the bulge at his crotch admirable.  You
are right, Priestess. My people live and die by the
Rivah approached until she stood very near
him, then slowly sank onto the pillows at his side.
 Aye, my lord, and our High Priestess Adita, she
is of a more conservative faith. She holds firm to
the ancient tradition that says no blades may be
worn within the Chamber of Zenthe. Rivah
looked down for a moment, then met his gaze
again, hesitant.  She was wrong, my lord, to
demand that you leave her.
Rivah slowly outstretched her arms, offering
the tunic, her gaze roaming over him, locking on
his hips and crotch. She quickly looked back up at
his face.  I offer to you, Courtier, the tunic of High
Woman of the Mountain
Priestess. The Hawk hesitated for a moment, then
took the garment in his hand. In a blink, he tossed
it onto the gaming table and grabbed Rivah s
arms, pulling her down onto the pillows, rolling
on top of her. His mouth descended, his lips
expertly parting hers, his tongue invading her
mouth, spicy and hot. She closed her arms around
him and pressed herself tight. Her tongue tangled
with his in a kiss of pure lust.
She groaned appreciatively, her fingers quickly
finding his bare back under his satin tunic,
thrilling at the sensation of the smooth skin
stretched over supple, hard muscles. The bulge in
the Hawk s trousers now pressed hard and long
against her thighs, promising, and Rivah s pussy
flowed in anticipation. She slipped her hand into
the trousers, her fingers splaying over the warm
flesh of his buttocks. She squirmed to free her legs
from beneath him, scissoring him, his full weight
wonderfully heavy against her stomach as one of
his hands cupped a breast and tweaked the nipple
to full peak. Rivah arched against the Hawk, lost
in the delicious, wild kiss, hungry and promising.
She wrapped her legs around him, opening herself
completely to him, ready to tear the trousers from
his body and take the impressive, teasing cock into
her slippery cunt.
A feral growl emanated from him as he pulled
back suddenly. The rush of air shocked Rivah, as if
Angela Caperton
cold water had been splashed on her skin, her
gasp genuine in its regret.
 By Veyjol s prick, who are you, priestess?
What are you doing here? He gripped her arms
tightly and squeezed them hard. His gaze
scorched her, a dangerous mix of lust and
suspicion. She swallowed, a tickle of fear
feathering her belly and saw in his stormy brown
eyes a recipe for rape, quick and final, and she
knew she must proceed carefully.
She relaxed, pliant in his arms, her gaze
meeting his as she willed herself to calmness.
 I am Rivah, my sweet Hawk, Priestess of
Zenthe. I fear not the wrath of my goddess or my
lady. After what happened between you and
Adita, I, She hesitated letting the silence feed the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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