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with Souphoula? Pitsa had hinted that she had begun to ramble at
times, and apparently she was right.
'He married me,' she reminded Souphoula gently, 'because of
Stephanos. Surely you remember that.'
'Sit down,' ordered Souphoula, and Marika obeyed, though she drew
the old woman's attention to the time. 'You have plenty of time. Now,
do you still love him?'
'Does it matter?'
'If it didn't I wouldn't be asking. Answer me!'
Swallowing hard, Marika murmured,
'Yes, I do love him.'
'And he doesn't know.' She clicked her tongue in anger. 'Why did you
not tell him?'
'Because he doesn't love me. He loves Hilary - I told you.'
The black eyes flickered. Souphoula ignored Marika's reply.
'Yes, it is all plain now. What a fool I am - must be coming to my
dotage, child. I disappoint myself. Do you really believe he loves that
Marika said yes and was rewarded with an impatient sigh.
'How stupid you are! And your reaction to what you overheard - so
typically English. I love your people, Marika, but they are fools!
They have not the depth of thought, so act impulsively. At any cost,
you must convince poor Nick that you love that boy. What good did it
do you ? - tell me that!'
Marika stared in puzzlement. So unlike Souphoula toshow such
interest in other people's affairs. And all this talk wasted precious
'It saved my pride,' she returned, with an effort at patience.
An angry exclamation in Greek escaped Souphoula. Never before
had Marika seen her moved by any sort of emotion.
'You'll have an unpleasant few minutes when you explain about that
tonight,' she warned, and Marika became really concerned. Surely
Souphoula had not already forgotten she intended taking the flight to
'I shall not be explaining,' she murmured soothingly. 'I'm going home
- I've come to say good-bye.'
The old woman smiled faintly, and with satisfaction. She gazed into
the fire for a long while as if carefully choosing her words.
'Nick knew, before he married you, that his father would never regain
For one stunned, incredulous moment Marika stared at Souphoula.
The sun had dropped while they had been talking, and the firelight
sent shadows leaping, to catch the sunken face in a grotesque,
transparent veil.
'Nickolas ... knew. ... ?' Marika's voice held disbelief, yet her heart
leapt with sudden joy. 'He didn't marry me for Father's sake -
Souphoula, is this true?'
'The doctor told him.' With a flash of insight Marika saw everything
clearly. Nickolas fighting his conscience; believing she loved David,
yet unable to tell her the truth. 'A pity you allowed Hilary to trouble
you,' went on Souphoula. 'I couldn't ease your mind entirely because
Nick did not take me into his confidence until all the fuss over the
business.' She began to explain how Nickolas, after his brother's
death, had wished to buy Hilary out. Her price being extortionate, he
had been obliged to let her remain a partner. Then, after having
installed Kostos as manager in the hotel in Athens, and hoping to
interest him in Pitsa, Nickolas had discovered that Hilary had designs
on him. The only solution was to deceive her into thinking he cared
for her himself. 'With Kostos and Pitsa fixed up, he intended finishing
with Hilary, but then came the necessity of marrying you. Caution
was still imperative, for he knew he must get her out of the house. He
also hoped she would be more reasonable, and sell out to him at a fair
price.' Souphoula's mouth set in a thin hard line as she paused in
thought for a moment. 'Not only had she the whip hand, but she was
also a jealous, frustrated woman - for I suspect it was always Nick she
really wanted. Her price was out of all proportion. She stripped us
bare, so bare that we had to let her take the hotel in Corfu in addition
to the money. But it was worth it, for we now have the business back
in the family. I think everything is settled; Nick went over to Corfu a
couple of weeks back with his solicitor and the hotel was put into her
Suddenly aware of Marika's glance of surprise, a faint smile touched
the old woman's lips. 'I may seem poor, but that is because I have
little value for the material things of life. Do not concern yourself,
child, I can afford it. I was only too happy to help Nick out. He was
stupid and proud not to have asked me before, because the money
would have come to him eventually, in any case. I don't suppose he'd
have buried his pride this time had it not been that he wanted her out
of the house - for your sake.'
Marika tried to speak, but the words choked her. Souphoula and
Nickolas ... they'd done all that really for her!
And all she had done in return was to hurt Nickolas so terribly. And
she had even misconstrued his visit to Corfu!
Crossing the room swiftly, she buried her face in the folds of the old
woman's skirt.
'Thank you for telling me all this, Souphoula ' And she raised her
head, adding impulsively, 'I love you very much.'
The response came brusquely and without sentiment.
'Pity you never thought to say that to Nick. It might have saved a deal
of trouble!' An insistent hand urged Marika to her feet. 'Be off, child,
I'm sure it's not my company you want!'
A slow, radiant smile spread across Marika's face, but before she had
time to speak the door was flung open and Pitsa ran in.
'Alexis says that if you do not come at once he won't be able to get
there in time,' she gasped, stopping for breath. 'You know how old
and shaky his taxi is; Marika, do hurry!'
'I'm not going,' Marika submitted quietly.
'Not going? - to England?' Pitsa stared from Marika to Souphoula in
bewilderment. 'Aren't you leaving us, after all?'
That sounded almost as if Pitsa, like Nickolas, thought she would
never have returned, but Marika made no comment on it.
'I have changed my mind, Pitsa. I don't want to go to England at
present.' And she added softly, 'Not until Nickolas can come with
'Then you'll be here for my wedding? Oh, Marika, you make me
happy now! So very much you make me happy!'
Glancing from one radiant face to the other, the old woman gave a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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