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him...ya know? Mark said as he sat down next to Ryan.
 It doesn't matter to me, Mark. God...I keep seeing him...yeah, I never want to
go through that again.
 He's likely to get a non-deployable status. That's going to piss him right off.
 Yeah, I have no doubts about that. Make sure y'all tell him you two got
 Hinting, Ryan? Patrick drawled.
 Hell no. Well, not really. If he couldn't get Phillip to say 'I love you' he
seriously doubted he could get the man talking about marriage.  When do you head
back, Patrick?
 Two days. Patrick sighed.
 Yeah, doesn't seem possible, does it? Mark slid his arms around Patrick's
 I go back a few days after that. Ryan sighed.
 Alright you bitches, I have three hours. A ragged, hoarse voice sounded
behind them. They all turned and blinked.
 Son of a-- Brendon?
 You didn't go AWOL did you?
 You stupid son of a bitch!
Brendon blinked at them all and pointed to the MP standing behind him.
 Reported to them...told them what was going on...they brought me here.
The MPs just shrugged.  Can't blame him, and he did turn himself in. It's not
like he went to Canada.
 Just let me see my buddy and I'll go back. I promise, Brendon said. The MP
 Go on. You have three hours. Then we have to take you back.
Brendon nodded.
Ryan led Brendon back and both of them heard Phillip before they saw him.
 I'm telling you Doc. I'm fine. I'm hungry and want a cheeseburger. If you give
me a fuckin cheeseburger I'll do whatever the hell you want me to!
 Sergeant Grabowski, as much as I would love to give you one you can't eat that
yet. You've spent nearly a month in a coma. Now you've been awake two days. IF your
progress continues, then by Friday-- two days from now-- we'll try some solid food.
The doctor was talking quietly like he was talking to a five-year-old. That only
pissed Phillip off even more.
 I'm not some fucking little kid, Doc. I get it. I do, but I want some real fucking
food. Not chicken broth and Jello that was probably made before World War I, Phillip
 Good God. You're supposed to be on your death bed not channeling your inner
Drill Sergeant, man, Brendon said as they walked in.
That seemed to shut Phillip up. The doctor grinned at Brendon and Ryan,
thankful that they d interrupted the argument.
 Furry! What the fuck are you doing here? Phillip barked hoarsely.
 I heard this guy I knew was stuck here. I had to visit, Brendon said easily. The
doctor left quietly as both men looked at each other.
 Are you insane? You told my mom you couldn't get leave. Tell me you didn't
just fuck up your career to see me.
 I already turned myself in. Luckily I got the coolest MPs. They brought me
 Dumb ass! Phillip sighed and lay back in his bed. He smiled slightly and
sighed again.
 Yeah I know. But you should be nice to your visitors. Brendon pulled out a
bag of Gummy Bears.  We bring gifts!
Phillip's eyes lit up.  I take it all back. You're my favorite. Hell, Ryan, we have
to break up. He won't smuggle me a cheeseburger, he informed Brendon, who grinned.
The blond handed over the Gummy Bears and Phillip made a happy sound -
right before Ryan swooped in and took them away.
 Not until they say you're ready, Ryan said primly.
 You both are so stupid. Brendon rolled his eyes and grabbed the Gummy
Bears out of Ryan's hand. He opened it and took a handful. Then threw the bag right
back to Phillip who didn't give Ryan time before he too had a mouthful.
 Damn it Brendon! Ryan growled.
 Stop being a bitch, Ryan. He deserves it.
 Stop being a kiss-ass. He's not your Drill Sergeant anymore.
 Children, if you can't behave I'm going to kick all of you out. Nurse Kelly told
them. Ryan liked her, even Phillip liked her.
 He FED Phillip GUMMY bears.
The nurse blushed slightly and hid the bag behind her back.
 Oh& My...Fuckin...God! That's a cheeseburger...Dude, that's a fucking
cheeseburger. Phillip blinked and grinned at the red-headed nurse.
 Uh huh. She wouldn t? Ryan took a deep breath and cursed.  You did, didn't
Kelly sighed and handed Phillip the cheeseburger.  If you tell on me I'll lose my
 Your secret is so safe with me. Brendon, duct tape Ryan's mouth shut. Phillip
ripped into the bag and sighed happily when the greasy smell of the cheeseburger filled
the room.  Oh God. Oh God, I've fucking died and gone to Heaven. Thank you, God!
His hand shook as he brought the burger up to his mouth and his white teeth sunk into
it. His groan was orgasmic.
Brendon blushed.
Ryan had to grin
And Kelly sighed.  It would figure the best-looking guy on this ward is gay...and
he has a sexier than sin boyfriend...I swear to God I'm going to turn into a man. It's the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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