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and her arms went up and around his neck, as she gave him back the long, slow kiss. Her pulses began
to throb with the sweetness of being in his arms.
"You aren't playing fair," she whispered, shaken, when he finally lifted his head.
"I'm not playing, period," he replied, his dark eyes piercing, steady on hers. "Nina knew the score
from the very beginning. I made no promises, ever."
"You used her," she whispered miserably.
His face tautened. "Yes," he admitted curtly. "I did. At the time, I thought I was protecting you. I used
her shamefully. She had every right to be upset about that, but she can't pretend that she didn't know
what I was doing. She was willing."
Her lower lip trembled. "You slept with her!" she accused huskily.
"Years ago, if you have to know," he replied flatly. "Not since. Certainly not since she's been back
in town. I told you before, I can't even get aroused by other women, least of all Nina!"
Her breasts rose and fell in a slow, heavy sigh. She let her cheek rest against him. She stared past him
out the window. It was misting rain and cloudy. Like her life, she thought.
"Why do you want to marry me, Evan?" she asked finally.
He lifted his head, scowling. "What?"
"Why do you want to marry me?" she repeated. "Is it pity, or guilt, or desire, or a little of all three?"
"My God, you still don't trust me, do you?" he asked. He sounded almost defeated. "I can't blame
you, but if you have so little faith in my motives, why are you willing to go through with it?"
She looked up at him. "Because I love you," she said simply.
He touched her loosened, disheveled hair. "You aren't sure of me," he replied. "If you loved me,
wouldn't you be?"
Her eyes grew sad. "Not really. It's hard to be sure of someone when you don't know how they feel."
He let his eyes fall to her mouth. "How do you think I feel?" he hedged.
"I don't know. You've been very different since the accident," she replied. "Before, you made it clear
how you felt about me, that you wanted me out of your life. Then I got hurt and all at once, you were
willing to marry me."
"You make me sound fickle, Anna," he said, but he couldn't deny the truth of what she was
"Not fickle. Just uncertain. You can't blame me for feeling the same way. You've never really told me
what you felt."
And he couldn't. Not just yet. He still had too many misgivings, too many fears.
He touched her mouth lightly with his forefinger. "Will words convince you?" he asked quietly.
"Somehow, I don't think so. You've got it fixed in your mind that I'm only sorry for you. Nothing I say
is going to change that. You're just going to have to wait and see."
Fear flickered under her eyelashes. "You'd be tied
to me, don't you see?" she asked gently. "You'd hate it!"
His mouth covered hers. He lifted her into a warmer, closer embrace, his lips driving every worry out
of her mind. His hand slid inside her blouse, under the bra, with blatant mastery. She felt his fingers
against her soft, bare flesh. She stiffened and gasped at the surge of pleasure it gave her.
His teeth caught at her lower lip, gently teasing it. "We're going to have the most unusual wedding
night in history," he said with black humor. "It will probably be the first time that the groom has
She drew back a little. "Are you afraid to make love to me?" she asked hesitantly.
"Isn't it obvious?" he asked darkly. "My God, I've fought this. And in the end, I couldn't give you up,
not even for your own good."
"Evan, it's not going to be that bad," she said, trying to reassure him. He looked...she couldn't quite
decide how he looked. "I can see the doctor before we're married. If he thinks there's going to be any,
well, any difficulty, he can take care of it for me."
His jaw tautened. "Your virginity isn't what concerns me."
"Then what?"
He drew in a rough breath and looked down at the bulge of his hand under her blouse. Absently his
fingers caressed her, loving the softness of her skin. "Anna, I could hurt you so badly," he said
huskily. "It might bring back terrible memories of the night
you were attacked. And quite frankly, past a certain point, a man can't stop."
She reached up and nibbled at his mouth. "Then you'll have to make me crazy first, won't you?" she
whispered. "Like you did...yesterday when you opened your shirt and held me against you...Evan!"
His mouth bit into hers. She arched closer, her fingers pressing his intruding hand to her breast. For a
few seconds, he actually seemed blind and deaf, his mouth devouring and sweet.
He groaned and pulled her across his lap, turning her so that her belly pressed against his hardness.
He ground her into him, feeling her tremble.
"Yes," she whispered into his mouth. She moved deliberately, loving the feel of him, the raging
arousal that she seemed to kindle in him so effortlessly.
His hand tangled painfully in her hair as his tongue drove into the softness of her mouth. His free
hand, at the base of her spine, rocked her rhythmically against him, sending ripples of pure ecstasy
through his rigid body.
He felt her soft trembling with wonder, felt her submission. His fingers went to her blouse and began
to unfasten it. Thank God the yard was deserted and Polly's car was gone. They were totally alone.
He lifted his head long enough to get the blouse out of his way and unclasp her bra.
"Yes," she murmured. She sat up, impatiently helping him rid her of the unwanted fabric. But then
her hands went to his own shirt and unfastened the pearly snaps.
"Anna..." he began, fighting for control.
"I want to feel you against me," she whispered hungrily. She linked her arms around his neck and
brushed the tips of her breasts against his hair-roughened chest.
"Anna!" he groaned harshly.
She saw his face contort and recognized the rigid mask of pleasure.
"Is this how to do it?" she whispered, moving her torso even harder against his. "Teach me, Evan.
Show me how to make love."
"My...God, you don't...need lessons!" he managed.
"Here," she said, tugging at his head as she arched back against his arm, her eyes half-closed.
"Do...what you did to me yesterday. Do it hard!"
He was out of his mind. He barely realized it as his mouth settled helplessly on one dusky hard-
tipped breast. He suckled at it, feeling her body ripple with pleasure as he fed on her softness. His
fingers cupped her, caressed her while he discovered the hard tip with his tongue, his lips. And she lay
there and let him, vibrating with pleasure, her soft sighs lost in the rough groans that burst from his
"Evan, it feels so good," she moaned feverishly. Her hands tangled in his thick hair, holding him to
her hungry body "It feels so good, so good!"
"You taste of rose petals." He lifted his head and
looked at her, at the soft flesh with its deep flush that his mouth had caused. He took a slow breath and
let his hand slowly caress her. "I want you."
"I want you, too." Her back arched gently, her eyes glazed with desire. "Can't we...go somewhere
and be alone?"
His jaw tautened. "Risky," he managed.
"I don't care. I want you to look at me," she said dizzily. "I want to look at you!"
He wanted to scream. He had to think. He had to protect her. She arched her back again and rubbed her
breasts slowly against him.
"All right," he said shakily.
He made her sit up, helping her into the blouse again. He started the car without a word. He didn't dare
look at her or he'd wreck it.
He drove quietly, and quickly, to the Tremayne lake. It was deserted during the week, and no one ever
went there. He stopped the car, turned off the ignition, and got out.
Anna lifted her arms as he bent to carry her down to the grassy bank of the lake.
"This is insane," he whispered as he laid her down in the grass and went down beside her. "We'll go
too far." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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