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Do not do actions through whims. Action must be done through Viveka and wisdom.
Destroy whims as soon as they arise, through Vichara. Always enquire whether the proposed action
will bring you pleasure and spiritual gain or not. Be on the alert.
The word  whim always goes with the term fancy. We say,  whims and fancies. A fancy is
a phase of the intellectual faculty of a lighter and less impressive cast than the imagination of the
active play of this lighter faculty. Fancy is a new and pleasing thought or conception due to this
faculty. Fancy is a form of imagination. It helps a poet, but not an aspirant. It is a hindrance in
meditation. It builds castles in the air. Check it by Vichara and Viveka.
Just as waves and ripples rise on the surface of the ocean, whims, various caprices, fancies
and wrong determinations also arise on the surface of the mind-ocean. The whims represent the
ripples. You need not be afraid of these. They come and pass off quickly. You must be careful about
the strong waves, wrong determinations. The strong thoughts must be eradicated by strong Vichara
and proper reasoning.
Prakriti never creates a vacuum in the mind. If one anxiety or worry is over, another anxiety
immediately manifests. Mind can never become vacant. It has got infinite preoccupations.
Carefully mark the ways of the mind. It tempts, exaggerates, magnifies, infatuates,
unnecessarily alarms through vain imagination, vain fear, vain worries and vain forebodings. It
tries its level best to divert you from concentration on your Lakshya.
It took me many years to understand thoroughly the subtle workings of the mind. Mind
works havoc through its power of imagination. Imaginary fears of various sorts, exaggeration,
concoction, mental dramatisation, building castles in the air, are all due to this power of
imagination. Even a perfect, healthy man has some imaginary disease or other due to the power of
imagination of the mind. Much energy is wasted on account of imaginary fears.
When his mind is fully occupied with the affairs of the war, the soldier does not feel any
serious injury as a gunshot wound in the leg. He is not aware of the loss of a large quantity of blood
also. He is filled with enthusiasm. He is not conscious of his body so to say for the time being.
When the excitement is over, when he sees some blood-spots on his clothing or when some of his
friends points out to him the wound in the leg, he gets the consciousness. Then he is alarmed a bit.
The power of imagination plays havoc now. He gets a collapse now. The power of imagination
always exaggerates.
A man may have a little weakness. When he becomes your enemy, you at once exaggerate
and magnify his weakness and Dosha. You even superimpose on this or concoct many more
weaknesses and Doshas. This is due to evil imagination on your part.
Whenever the mind of two friends are strained by ill-feelings, these minds begin to
exaggerate and concoct things. Fault-finding increases. It is very difficult to get at the truth of the
statements of these two broken friends with broken friendship. Their utterances are always
coloured by their inner feelings. The power of imagination does havoc now. Maya plays havoc
through the mind and its power of imagination.
Mind tempts and deceives. Think of one as a good friend of yours and there the thing is
created as a reality. Think of him as your foe and then also the mind perfects the thought into an
actuality. He who knows the working of the mind and has controlled it by practice is really happy.
I shall explain to you the nature of  mental dramatisation. Mark the ways of the mind.
During conversation with your friends, the mind sometimes imagines in vain that it has hurt the
feelings of your friend. It spends much of its energy in unnecessary feeling. You think:  How can I
see him tomorrow morning? He may be displeased with me. Next morning when you meet him,
nothing happens. Your friend starts a pleasant conversation and smiles. You are surprised. To your
great astonishment, the subject of talk takes quite a different turn altogether. A family-man
imagines when a severe epidemic of plague ravages:  What shall I do if my wife develops plague
and dies now? I have got six children. This is his vain imagination. Nothing happens. Sometimes,
when the train moves slowly on the Pamban Bridge over the sea near Ramesvaram, the mind
imagines,  If the bridge gives way now, what will become of me? I shall be smashed to pieces. A
touch of fear creeps in. There are thousand and one ways of mental dramatisation like these. The
power of imagination plays a vital part in mental dramatisation.
When your mind is deeply concentrated, period of two hours passes like five minutes. If the
mind is distracted and wandering, half an hour hangs on as two hours. This is everybody s
experience. In dream also, many events that represent a period of fifty years take place within ten
minutes. Through the play of the mind, a Kalpa is considered by it as a moment and vice versa.
Time is but a mode of the mind. It is Kala Sakti. It is also illusory like the objects.
Through the trick of the mind, one furlong at times appears to be a great distance and three
miles at other times appear to be a very short distance. You ought to have noted this in your daily
Marichi Chaitanya, M.A., Ph.D., a Brahmachari of Rumania and myself sat for dinner in the
Kailasa Kutia, Svarga Ashram, on the bank of the Ganga. A dish of potato soup was served.
Marichi, who has no idea of Indian preparations, took it for a soup of meat. The colour and
appearance of the potato soup was exactly the same as that of meat-soup. This is a case of  mental
projection. Marichi projected the idea of meat from his own Samskara within the mind into the
potato-soup. Mental projections are all false.
Kalpana in the mind means mental creation or imagination. This is the real Yogamaya. You
will have to destroy these various Kalpanas. This is the aim of all the spiritual Sadhanas. Then you
will be established in Nirvikalpa state of bliss. Pure Nivritti is needed to attain this after you have
got Chitta-Suddhi through Nishkama-Karma Yoga.
There are secretions from endocrine glands which are ductless viz., Thyroid, Thymus,
Parotid, Pineal, Suprarenal, etc. These secretions are directly absorbed into the blood. They play a
vital part in constituting the temperament of every individual. The temperament of a man can be
greatly modified by environments, education and experience. It can hardly be changed in toto. That [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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