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OAHSPE tells of etheric beings traveling to Earth in spaceships to aid in the
evolution of mankind. One type of ship mentioned by them is the
 otevan. 6
Here is more about OAHSPE s ships, and their purpose:
As I taught corporeans to build ships to traverse corporeal seas, so have I
taught ethereans to build vessels to course My etherean seas.
As I bound the corporean that he could not raise up in the air above
corpor, save by a vessel, so created I My heavens for the spirits of men,
that by manufactured vessels they might course My firmament.7
Go build me an avalanza capable of carrying three thousand million
angels, with as many rooms, capable of descent and ascent, and east and
west and north and south motion, and prepare it with a magnet that it
may face to the north whilst traveling.8
And in this same time the descending stars of other Gods and
Goddesses, the etherean ships from far-off worlds, were drawing nearer
and nearer; and, on every side, the firmament was as if alive with worlds
on fire.9
Another telepathic contact states:
& we are thousands upon this ship no. 1235, twenty-three hundred and
fifty three persons, to be exact. We are not persons exactly as you see
persons but we are of the different dimensions, different planets. We
Chapter Five: A Solution To The Mystery
Of The Ufo
congregate on this etheric ship, which is the size of a city; as you
understand it would be, to accommodate the comings and goings.
The purpose of this ship in orbit is to stimulate and to work with all
those who are being trained to be key light centers in the Western
hemisphere of the Earth & 10
This is a more specific description, given by a channel in a Miami light
center group called the Mark-Age MetaCenter. And how long has this type
of help been coming our way?
We have attempted throughout what you would consider ancient times
on your planet to bring to mankind, to those who would desire the
knowledge, the knowledge that is necessary for experiencing all of the
infinite experiences created by our Creator. Some of those who dwelt
upon this planet in the past have accepted these teachings and have
benefited from them. Benefited far beyond anything that could be
imagined by those who are not experiencing the benefits. We have
attempted for many of your years to bring to all of those who desire the
teachings, the very simple teachings that allow you to know all.
However, these teachings have not been understood very well.11
 Q. How long have they been coming into our atmosphere?
 A. For thousands and thousands of years. 12
 Q. What is life like on your planet, as compared to our life?
 A. Life on our planet at one time was much like that upon planet
Earth. However, at this time our entire population of sentient
beings has developed into a completely unitary and combined
ability of each brother of the planet known as Hatonn. The
combination is so strong that we are able to do many, many things.
Feeling and being as one, we are seeking as one, and as our seeking
has led us forward, we have found our way to be pointed directly at
service, ever-expanding service. Service to all parts of the creation.
 And as our service has been needed, whereas before we were not
capable of discovering the means to perform the service that we saw
as our service.
Chapter Five: A Solution To The Mystery
Of The Ufo
 In this manner, we have developed abilities which you may call
miraculous. We have the ability to transcend what you know as
time and space. We have access in a conscious manner to
knowledge of which you have access only during meditation, in a
sub-conscious manner. The freedoms which we enjoy, my friends,
are there because we have begun to see that we are all one.
Realization is all that is between planet Earth and the planet
Hatonn. On your planet as on our planet, each blade of grass is
alive with the knowledge of the Creator. The winds sing His
praises. Trees shout for joy in the creation of our infinite Father. If
you are not able to see the Creator, my friends, it is a matter of
seeking, and seeking, and continued seeking. And then, my friends,
you will begin to realize, and to understand, that the Creation of
the Father is all around you.
 Planet Earth, my friends, is indeed a lovely planet. It will soon be
vibrating in a vibratory manner which is far more associated with
realization of the Father s creation. Begin to realize, and move with
your planet, as we moved with ours. There is only that which is in
your mind, and within your consciousness, and within your faith,
between the pain, the lack, and the limitation which you
experience, and the complete freedom which in our vibration we
experience. 13
Here we find the Hatonn identification once more and another reference to
seeking. When they speak of their vibrations, they are saying in another way
that they are not within our physical reality. There is also an indication here
that the planet Earth may be moving into a different vibration or area of
We have aided many other planets within this general vibratory level.
The aid is given to this level by us because we are, shall we say, at the
next level of awareness, and are best able to communicate to those [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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