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turned to Petre.  What is she talking about?
Petre smiled.  You mentioned the name Toby
before you passed out, so when a Toby was
escorted here by members who worked for an
Elder, you can imagine the stir. He shrugged, his
expression growing a bit more serious.  Several of
them are in with Jean-Paul, he said, referencing
The Vampire s Geek
the coven s leader.  So I m sure he ll be up here
A scent caught Tullion s attention and he
looked toward the doorway. Six men stood
clustered there, but his gaze was riveted on only
one.  Toby, Tullion whispered.  Beloved! He
held out his hand, praying his sweet human
would come to him.
To Tullion s relief, after a quick glance around
at the group of people in the room, Toby slowly
made his way toward him. Toby stopped by his
side. He pushed his glasses up his nose as he
nibbled his bottom lip and stared down at him.
Shifting his weight nervously, Toby murmured,
 You left me.
Tullion saw the way Toby s thick, dark brows
pulled together, expressing his uncertainty just as
well as his scent did. Reaching out, Tullion
gripped his beloved s hand.  I thought it for the
Borscht snorted.  Just like you thought it best
not to come to your family. His brother shook his
head.  I m sorry, brother, but you need to be
knocked upside the head. Still frowning, even as
he gazed fondly at Tullion, he muttered,  Young
foolishness and pride.
Squeezing Toby s hand, Tullion ignored the
insult& and everyone else in the room. How is it
that all their serious conversations were done with
an audience?  Will you forgive me?
Charlie Richards
Toby glanced at the IV, then the nearly empty
blood bag. He squeezed Tullion s hand, then
pulled away. At first, Tullion thought Toby was
refusing him. He opened his mouth to call him
back, but Toby only took a few steps to the left. He
stopped at the dresser, where a number of medical
supplies were set up.
Tullion watched in fascination as Toby picked
up a couple of items and returned to him. With
impressive skill, his beloved clamped the IV,
pulled it free, and placed a bit of gauze over where
the needle had once been.  I forgive you under
one condition, Toby murmured as he wrapped a
bit of green tape around Tullion s arm, holding the
gauze in place.
 Anything, Tullion responded as he watched
Toby release him and set the supplies aside.
Rolling the IV stand away from the bed, Toby
set the clamped line on the towel-covered dresser.
He turned back to Tullion and returned to his side.
 Never do it again, Toby whispered.  I m your
beloved. That means we re a team. Licking his
lips, Toby rested his hands on the mattress and
leaned toward him.  You need to have faith in me,
Tullion realized he d been separated too long
from his beloved to refuse any request of this man.
 I will as I can.
Toby chuckled, the sound a balm to Tullion s
soul.  In other words, you ll do your best. He
The Vampire s Geek
nodded.  Best to not promise what you re not sure
you can deliver. Toby settled on the chair beside
the bed, then reached out and took Tullion s right
hand between his own.  Now, are you ready to
hear what me and my friends dug up? Or do you
plan to continue running?
Charlie Richards
Chapter Eight
oby couldn t help the wide grin on his lips.
While part of him wanted to smack Tullion
silly and, in truth, he d been more than prepared
to do just that when he d first arrived at the
massive manor more of him wanted to lie down
next to the sexy vampire, curl up at his side, and
just breathe in the man s scent. Unfortunately,
considering the audience in the room, Toby didn t
have that kind of courage.
Heck-fire, it was all he could do to take
Tullion s hand and hold it close.
 What the fuck, Borscht! a tall, wiry and
muscular male snarled. He waved a hand toward
Toby and Tullion while turning to face the
massive bruiser standing at the foot of the bed
with his arms crossed.  You re okay with this?
The bruiser lowered his arms to his sides,
glanced from Tullion to Toby, then around the
room. Finally, he settled his gaze on Toby, his
dark eyes piercing. In heavily accented English, he
asked,  You are Toby?
The Vampire s Geek
Toby swallowed hard at that piercing stare. He
forced a quick nod.
 Name is Borscht. The guy held out his hand.
 Borscht Kuznetsov. I am this fool s eldest
Leaning across the bed, Toby took the big
man s uh, vampire s hand.  N-nice to meet
Toby couldn t remember Tullion saying much
about his family, but, well, they d only had that
one night together. Not even a night, really. Still,
Toby had figured out pretty quickly that, when
Tullion had left, he was pulling the you-are-my
mate-and-I-need-to-keep-you-safe card. Well, the
vampire version of it anyway.
It d taken all of twenty-four hours, combined
with the support of his friends plus, their
contacts with vampires for Toby to get past the
poor-me-pity-me stage and move on to the what-
the-fuck-how-dare-he-leave-me-behind stage.
Toby could never thank his friends enough for
their support.
Toby would have to remember to send Jared a
gift basket, what with all his endless hours on the
computer figuring out money trails for vampires
in Tullion s coven and such. Him and Raul
Jared s best friend and right hand man both.
They were mated to wolf shifters. He could send
them a basket full of flavored lube, body sauces,
and warming gels. They d appreciate that.
Charlie Richards [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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