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princess. You had me believing that I, a fucking stray, could actually be worthy of someone like you.
But our entire time together was a lie. You didn t want to be with me. You had to be with me.
 You are the most worthy person I know, and the most stubborn, came the rough answer.  In
my eyes, you are the one who is a treasure.
Her laugh hurt her throat. Probably because it wasn t really a laugh.  I wish I could believe
that s what those eyes of yours see when you look at me.
 Then believe it. Believe me.
 What I believe is that you re going back to Canada. Because of that, I also believe there s
nothing more to say.
 Merde. Furious that he could do nothing more than just stand there like an idiot, Ivar barely
stopped himself from hurling the phone at the wall when Scout hung up on him.
God, she was hurting so much.
No, his mind corrected with brutal honesty. That wasn t completely accurate. He had hurt her,
and he couldn t even get his damn foot in the door to try and make it up to her. And he had to make it
up to her. He had to, because he couldn t take this enforced separation much longer. The thought of
her suffering crushed the air out of him, and again he was left with the feeling of not being able to
He couldn t allow this to go on. He had to fucking fix this.
And he had to fix it fast. Scout, the toughest-minded woman he knew the woman who had
chased away every dark cloud in his world was crying because he was a first-class bastard. He had
to be, if he d made her believe she wasn t good enough. She was the gem, not him, but she couldn t
see that. Long ago she d gotten stuck on the fucked-up belief that she was a stray nobody wanted.
Obviously that concept had left a scar that went all the way to her soul, and he d made it worse by
focusing on exorcising his own demons while ignoring hers.
He was such an asshole.
Mouth twisting in bitter self-disgust, he again looked through the telephoto lens to search in
vain for her through the darkness. She d probably be better off without such a self-absorbed dick in
her life, but that was just too damn bad. No man on the planet could ever be worthy of a treasure like
her, so she d just have to put up with him. If she ever deigned to give him another chance, he would
make sure she never regretted it. And the only way to do that was to prove to her that she wasn t a
stray, but a goddess. Somehow he had to show her that he was the one who was lucky to have been
noticed by her. If she could only see herself through his eyes, she d understand that.
Red brushed against his ankles, announcing her presence. As he bent to pet the small cat, an
idea began to form. Scout had her talent for scouting out trouble, and she d used it to help him see the
He had a talent as well, a talent that could also make her see the truth.
This time, he wouldn t fuck it up.
Chapter Twenty-Five
When Scout s cell phone sounded with Payne s personalized ringtone  Bad to the Bone  at first
she thought she was dreaming. Then, when it didn t stop, she rolled to the side of the bed and groped
out a hand.
 It s like you want me to be your enemy, she mumbled by way of greeting, refusing to open
her eyes. If she did, it meant she was awake and not still sleeping until noon on a quiet Sunday. And
that was exactly what she planned to do, no matter how many times Payne called her to be a pain in
the ass.  Is that what you want?  Cause I can make that happen.
 Bitch at me later, when I don t have my back up against a wall, came Payne s vaguely
harassed tone.  In fact, this could be your fault, now that I think about it. I never get double-booked
when you re in the office taking care of my schedule. You take a vacation and look what happens
I m supposed to be in two places at once. See? This is your fault.
With a sigh she opened her eyes, mentally waved a fond farewell to the idea of a Sunday
sleep-in and glanced at the clock. Hm. Half past ten was close enough to noon, so she supposed she
couldn t be completely mad at him.  What d you do?
 Don t kill me.
Oh, shit.  What. Did. You. Do? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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