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"No sir. But I knew men who did. They spoke well of him. That says plenty."
Considering how enlisted men discuss their officers.
"Indeed." He knew. He drifted off to another time, when everyone was
happier or at least he remembered them being happier. The mind is a great
instrument for redesigning history.
He came back suddenly. Apparently the past wasn't all roses either. "A
disastrous night. Talk to me about those dead men."
I gave him my theory about Snake having raised them.
"Possible," he said. "Entirely possible. Invisible Black was the sort of
bitch who'd think it an amusing practical joke to arm an untutored Marine with
the weapons to accomplish something like that."
The name meant nothing to me except that another sorceress had adopted a
ridiculous handle. Her real name was probably Henrietta Sledge.
"Have you nothing positive to report, Mr. Garrett?"
"Not yet."
"Any suspects?"
"No sir. Everybody. I'm having trouble making sense of the situation. I don't
know the people well enough yet."
He looked at me like he was thinking I should be living up to one of those
Corps mottos like "The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a
minute longer."
"What will you do now?"
"Poke around. Talk to people till I get hold of something. Shake it. I had
one thought during the night. The man who's been picking the rest off could be
one who apparently left you if he thought he could turn up for the reading of
your will."
"No sir. Each man executed an agreement when he joined me in retirement. To
remain eligible he'd have to remain here."
I lost some respect for him there. He'd bribed them and indentured them so he
wouldn't be alone. He was no philanthropist. His motives were completely
GeneralStantnor was a mask. Behind it was someone who wasn't very nice.
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I wouldn't call it an epiphany but it was an intuition that felt true. This
was a mean-spirited old man in a carefully crafted disguise.
I examined him more closely. His color wasn't good this morning. His respite
was over. He was on the road to hell again.
I reminded myself it wasn't my place to judge.
Then I reminded myself that when I remind myself, what I'm doing is looking
for justification.
Someone knocked. That saved me confusion and stole the General's opportunity
to get righteous.
I'd sensed that coming.
Dellwoodopened the door. "There's a Mr.Tharpe to see Mr. Garrett."
The General looked at me. I told him. "That's the man I had trying to trace
certain items."
"Bring him up,Dellwood ."
Dellwoodclosed the door. I asked, "Here?"
"Is he likely to report something you don't want me to hear?"
"No. It just seemed an inconvenience to you."
"Not at all."
Hell. He was fishing for entertainment again. He didn't care whatSaucerhead
had to tell me, much. He just didn't want to be alone.
"Mr. Garrett, could I impose on you to build the fire a little?"
Damn. I was hoping he wouldn't notice it was down to a volcanic level. I
wondered ifKaid had a full-time job just hauling in fuel.
Saucerheadarrived lugging a bag. In his paw it seemed small. He hulks like a
cave bear.Dellwood seemed a little intimidated. The old man was impressed. He
cracked, "Cook sees him, she'll fall in love." That was the first I'd heard
him try for humor. "That'll be all,Dellwood ."Dellwood got out.
Saucerheadwiped his brow and said, "Why don't you open a goddamned window?
Who's the old prune, Garrett?"
"The principal. Be nice."
"What's up?" I was surprised he'd make a trip out, considering what he was
getting paid.
"I maybe found some of the stuff." He dumped the sack on the writing table.
Silver candlesticks. They wouldn't have been remarkable if silver hadn't
become important lately.
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"General?" I asked. "This your stuff?"
"Look on their bases. If they belong to the family, there'll be a seahorse
chop beside the smith's."
I looked. Little sea critters. "We have a lead, looks like. What's the
story,Saucerhead ?"
Saucerheadhas a kind of pipsqueak voice when he's just making conversation.
Doesn't go with his size at all. He said, "I was jawing with some guys at
Morley's last night, bitching about the job. Looked like it wasn't going
anywhere. Talking about this and that, you know how it is. Then this one guy
asks did I think there might be a reward for the stuff. I didn't know, you
never told Morley if there was or not, so I said maybe and did he know
"To make a long story short?"
"He knew some fences I didn't. Outside guys. So this morning I go to check
them. First one I hit, he has the sticks. We talk a little, I threaten a
little, he blusters a little, I make mention of how I know he don't have a
connection with the kingpin and I happen to knowChodo personal, would he like
me to arrange an introduction? All of a sudden he's eager to help. He loans me
the sticks. I promise to bring them back."
Which meant he would and, if the General tried to grab them,Saucerhead would
walk through him and the rest of the house. He keeps his promises.
"Got you. Can the fence finger the thief?"
"He don't know squat. Bought the stuff wholesale from somebody out in the
country. He'll sell the wholesaler's name."
"Did you follow that, General?"
"I believe so. This dealer in stolen goods bought the candlesticks from
another dealer closer to home, here. For a price he'll sell the man out."
"That's it."
"Go beat it out of him."
"It doesn't work that way, General. He offered a straight deal. We should
follow through on those terms."
"Deal with criminals as though they were honorable men?"
"You have all your life, with those bandits off the Hill. But let's not
argue. We have a lead. We could settle the theft problem today.Saucerhead .
How much does he want?"
I was thinking long-term now. An unconnected fence? He'd need friends. He
could be nurtured and stroked on the head and maybe become a good source
someday. If he stayed alive. People aren't scared of fences the way they're
scared of Morley Dotes orChodoContague .
Saucerheadnamed a price that was pleasantly low. "It's a bargain, General. Go [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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