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Away 69
help of course. Jeff and Devon pulled on well-tailored slacks and
shirts. They then drove her to a mall still open for a very quick
shopping excursion.
The store was somewhere Alex would never have set foot in. It
was costly, for sure, and the clothing would never be suitable for her.
Devon and Jeff rifled through the racks after asking her size and
brought her a few dresses two sizes smaller. When she pointed out the
mistake, Devon quietly told her that quality clothing was properly
tailored and differently sized than clothing in a big chain store. Alex
was a bit hurt, and he was quick to cuddle her and assure her that her
clothes were fine, just not suitable for the Club. This boutique sold
high-end merchandise, including jewelry, lingerie, and shoes. Jeff and
Devon were familiar with it, having shopped there for other women,
though never with them.
They seemed to be having a lot of fun. Alex had thought men
didn t like shopping, though Jeff and Devon had both dressed nicely
the two times they came to her office. She hadn t seen them in
anything other than boxers since, unless naked counted, so she didn t
know if they were clotheshorses. She refused a pink dress but took a
soft red one and one in seafoam green.
* * * *
Jeff thought Alex looked like a nymph in the green dress, like the
wind would take her away. He liked the simplicity of it and how it set
off her coloring. The red dress, however, moulded her shape without
looking slutty, falling just above the knee in a soft drape. She looked
stunning, her innocence obvious but with a hint of sensuality. He saw
Devon literally clamp his jaw when he saw her.
The salesclerk brought a pair of red stilettos for Alex to try, and
they showed her legs magnificently, elongating her spine and giving
her an almost regal height. Alex complained about the discomfort,
and so they compromised. She could wear her own shoes to the Club
70 Allyson Young
and change into the heels at the door. Jeff privately thought she would
be wearing those shoes and nothing else later tonight in their
A pair of thigh-high stockings was provided, and then Jeff found a
fine white gold chain, fastening it at the nape of Alex s neck with
care. Devon didn t miss that addition, and they locked eyes in mutual
understanding. No collaring ceremony, maybe too premature, but it
felt pretty final all the same.
* * * *
They were beaming at her with pride, and Alex managed not to
rain on their parade, though she was feeling a bit like a dress-up doll.
This was a weekend event, so better not to make a big deal out of the
clothes and spoil what was left of it. Alex believed, even with some
words to the contrary, that she would go to work Monday and they
would move on. Because she was losing herself around them, to them,
and despite the wonders she had experienced with her burgeoning
sexuality, even she could sense the risk. When it all came to an end,
when they moved on to their other women, she feared her heart would
break. Better sooner than later.
The Club was a surprise to Alex. She had expected something
different than the calm atmosphere filled with attractive, well-
groomed men and lovely women dressed much as she was. There
were collections of tables and comfortable chairs scattered around the
room, and couples or two men and one woman sat and conversed
while having drinks. She felt a bit awkward about being with two
men, but no one raised any eyebrow. The men introduced her to a
number of people, and Alex felt welcomed by everyone. The men did
tend to check her out in a fairly blatant manner, just as Devon and Jeff
had done when they first met, but Alex felt safe and comfortable and
a little flattered at the approving male stares. Devon and Jeff seemed
proud of her, though she noticed them giving a couple of the other
Away 71
fellows some pretty hard looks. Alex wondered if they were actually
being possessive of her.
Alex met a few of the women in the restroom, and there was none
of the bitchy talk or intrusive personal questions she had come to
expect of women considering her experience with her roommates and
some of the other faculty members. She was asked if she was going to
attend any of the scenes in the Club later, or participate, and even then
Lacey and Monica were nice about her ignorance, simply smiling and
saying they d probably see her around another time, though Melissa
seemed a little superior in her attitude. She informed Alex that she
was a trained sub and in a long-term relationship with a well-
respected Dom named Stephan. Alex remembered Stephan from the
introductions. He was a big, handsome man who had looked at her
knowingly but hadn t said anything of any interest. Melissa was really
beautiful and had a terrific figure, Alex admitted to herself. She just
wasn t as nice as Lacy and Monica seemed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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