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The reciprocal nature of their existence was instantly apparent. The more you searched for them the more
of them you attracted. In contrast, the less you cared and the more you accepted their existence as
normal, the less they swarmed. With practice it seemed that the honey could will away the bees.
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Before afternoon the tireless riding snake was slithering uphill. They had entered a region of familiar hills
and low valleys. Off to the east was something Jon-Tom had not seen on his previous march through this
section of the Bellwoods. He and Mudge had not climbed quite this high.
A distant rampart of mountains ragged and rough as the Grand Tetons lay swathed in high clouds and
haze. It stretched unbroken from north to south.
Mudge had taken a turn at guiding their mount, and Talea had moved in behind him. She turned as she
replied to Jon-Tom's question.
"Those? Zaryt's Teeth." She was gesturing across the treetops as they began to descend again into
concealing forest. "That great massif there just to the north is Brokenbone Peak, which holds up this part
of the world and whose slopes are littered with the dead bones of would-be climbers."
"What's on the other side?"
There was a tremor in her reply and, startlingly for the redoubtable Talea, a hint of fear. "The
Greendowns, where reside the Plated Folk."
"I've heard of them." Childishly, he pounced on the rare hint of weakness. "You sound scared of them."
She made a face, brows narrowing, and idly shook aside red hair, ran a hand through the glowing curls.
"Jon-Tom," she said seriously, "you seem to me to be a brave if occasionally foolish man, but you know
nothing of the Plated Folk. Do not dismiss so lightly that which you are unfamiliar with.
"Your words do not insult me because I am not afraid to confess my fear. Also, I know that you speak
from ignorance, or you would not say such things. So I am not upset."
"I might say such things even if I knew." He was properly abashed. But now he stared at her openly.
"Why are you doing that?" Green eyes stared curiously at him.
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"Because I want to upset you."
"I don't understand, Jon-Tom."
"Look, you've been taunting me, chiding me, and generally making fun of me ever since we met. I
wanted to strike back at you. Not that I've given you much reason to think better of me. I've probably
given you more ammunition than you need. The trouble I caused back at Thieves' Hall is a good example.
I'm sorry about things like that, but I can only learn by experience, and if some of those experiences don't
work out very well there's not a whole hell of a lot I can do about it.
"I mean you no harm, Talea. I'd like to be more than just allies. I want to be friends. If that's going to
come about then I need a little more understanding and a lot less sarcasm from you. How about it?"
He relaxed in his saddle, more than a little surprised at his lengthy speech.
Talea just stared at him while the snake slid down into a meadow alive with green and pink glass
butterflies and sunflowers blinking their cyclopean amber eyes.
"I thought we were already friends, Jon-Tom. If I seem to have been brusque with you it was from
frustration and impatience, not from dislike."
"Then you do like me?" He couldn't repress a hopeful grin.
She almost smiled back. "If you prove as quick with your new-found magic as you are with your words,
then we will be safe indeed." She turned away, and as she did so he caught a glimpse of an expression
midway between amusement and genuine interest. He couldn't be certain it reflected either, for Talea's
true feelings could be as not-there as the gneechees.
So he said nothing further, let the brief exchange pass. It was enough that he now felt better about their
relationship, even if it was no more than an assurance she was not openly hostile to him. At the same time
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he discovered a surefire way for pushing thoughts of the gneechees completely from his mind. All he had
to do was concentrate on the gentle, subtle rolling action of Talea's derriere on the smoothly undulating
Another day done. Another day of roots, nuts, berries, and the reptilian meat which proved considerably [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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