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ids did practice some magic, but far less than the Californian Druids happens on the group. When they tell him what they are
or the current Carleton Druids. A few notes; Isaac s description here doing, he decides to leave quickly (in that area one knows
of the purpose of the RDNA is a bit different than mine, but Isaac better to mess around in the affairs of magicians). A stick
knew relatively little about the RDNA at Carleton before he wrote to is used to trace a circle around the staffs and altar, and
them in 1974. This excerpt is the only major part in the book that is they enter. Unlike most magic circles this one is not de-
specifically concerned with the RDNA. signed to keep anything out but rather to keep energy in
until it is time to release it.
In the hills, lit only by the moon, the Reformed Dru- The members of the group are mostly professionals,
ids of North America (RDNA) are celebrating Samhain specialists in Green and Brown Magic. The two leaders of
(pronounced  so ahn ). This is the night that others call the group, one a Green, the other a Yellow Magician, are
Halloween and in the old Celtic cultures was the  day neither ignorant nor gullible (in fact, most of the group
between years, or the beginning of the new year. The are college graduates with years of training in magic). The
RDNA is a revival of old Celtic (especially Irish) religious leaders have designed a ceremony with great care to take
beliefs and practices,  reformed in that it forbids the prac- advantage of every method in the books to insure success-
tice of blood sacrifice. The group was founded in the early ful spells. Two items are on the agenda a curse and an
1960 s and is not to be confused with other groups using exorcism.
similar names or claiming to go back in unbroken lines to The ritual begins with a circumlocution of the ring
prehistoric Ireland. The RDNA makes no such grandiose of staffs. Readings from the Chronicles follow. The ring is
claims. cleared of all hostile entities and though patterns. They
The service starts with prayers to the Earth-Mother now begin to concentrate.
(the personification of the  Life Force ), to Be al (the per- A series of litanies is read to all corners of the globe,
sonification of the abstract essence of the universe), to conjuring and summoning gods, demigods, nature spir-
Dalon ap Landu, Llyr, Danu, and other deities of ancient its, and the spirits of great men. They are called on to join
Ireland. Reciting hymns translated from old Celtic relics the group and lend their powers. The language is flowery
and manuscripts, these latter-day Druids send up their and emotional, the expression rhythmic; emotion is built
praise to Nature. They admit their human frailties and up as the Druids feel presences outside the circle. The
limitations. moonlight or something is doing strange things outside
Then passages from the Chronicles of the RDNA the ring.
are read and meditated upon (the Chronicles are a history An image of the target is built up until every member
of the movement written in pseudo-King James style, plus has it clearly in mind. The past history of the man is re-
the translations mentioned above, plus meditations and told, his atrocities enumerated, his danger declared. The
poetry. All is considered the work of men, though possi- wishes of the group are announced to the beings assembled.
bly written while inspired). The target is not to be destroyed outright, for he is
The members of the congregation are wearing rib- well skilled in repulsing ordinary attacks of Black and White
bons around their necks; these are red, the color of life. Magic. Instead he will destroy himself by being forced to
As the ceremony continues, the  Waters-of-Life ( about suffer personally and directly the consequences of his ev-
80 proof) are exchanged for the  Waters-of-Sleep (pure ery magical act. An impenetrable shield is imaged around
H20); and the red ribbons are exchanged for white ones, him, with a  psychic mirror covering the insides. Every
the color of death. This is to symbolize that the Season of time he attempts to use magic for any purpose, his energy
Sleep has begun; the red ribbons will not be worn again will bounce off this mirror and strike himself instead of
until May 1, the beginning of the Season of Life. his intended victim. This is known as the  Boomerang
A short sermon is given by the Arch-Druid upon the Curse, or as a variation of  the mirror effect, and it can [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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